Volunteer Opportunities

Our Parish is in need of volunteers for various projects and upcoming events!
These volunteer opportunities are a great way for parishioners to meet other members of our Parish family and help out in our community. This is also a great way for students who are in need of community service hours to complete their requirements, while also growing their role in our Parish!
Please see the details for each event below - any and all help is greatly appreciated!
If you are interested in helping out, please email volunteercoordinator@stanthonyprospect.org , or call our Parish Office at 203-758-4056.


Youth Formation Catechists for the 2024-2025 School Year

Volunteers Needed!
Adults and High School Youth Catechists and substitute catechists are needed for Faith Formation Classes starting in the Fall 2024. No experience is necessary! All material is provided. Background checks are required for all volunteers within the Archdiocese of Hartford, as well as an online one-time workshop.
Please contact Andrea for more information @youthformation@stanthonyprospect.org or call 203-758-4848.


Altar Serving

The Altar Server Ministry is looking for new Altar Servers for all Masses. 

  • Servers may be boys or girls, must be old enough to enter the 4th grade or older, and have received their first Holy Communion. 

  • Altar Servers generally serve one Mass every three weeks and you can choose your preferred Mass time. 

Health Ministry

The Health Ministry is now offering blood pressure screenings after Mass again.

  • If you are a healthcare professional and willing to give 15 minutes of your time after Mass once a month, please contact the Parish Center at 203-758-4056.

  • In the past, blood pressure screenings were offered on the second Sunday of the month


We have a very successful Bingo program here at St. Anthony Church; however, in order to run this week after week, we rely on the help of volunteers. We have regular volunteers who help out on a rotating basis, but others who are there every week.
We could use help in the following areas:
  • Calling the game: acting as emcee, drawing and calling numbers, operating Bingo console and flashboard, etc. Additional people would really be appreciated in this capacity.
  • Office: setting up game sheets, managing inventory, paying out cash game prizes, etc.
  • Floor: collecting money, distributing game sheets, etc.
  • Sealed Ticket Sales: managing inventory, selling tickets and managing cash, prepare weekly report.
  • Kitchen: purchasing supplies, prepare items for sale, cooking on-site or remotely, set-up and clean-up. This is an area where we have the same people almost every week and more volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
  • **Training will be provided in all positions**
If you can volunteer one Monday a month please call the Parish Center at 203-758-4056.

Miscellaneous Projects

  • Replace the ramp and build a step in the Church storage barn (*You will not need to pay for materials*)