Volunteer of the Week May 9, 2021

Volunteer of the Week
Michael Accuosti
Having been baptized here at St. Anthony’s Church, Michael Accuosti grew up helping out. When he was still in high school Michael was asked by Father Cascia to be a reader and he has continued for thirty years.
Along the way he also join the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, The Helping Hands Ministry, Hope Ministry and the Small Christian Community.
When Michael started in a career in finance he was asked by Father Mark to become part of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council. He stepped away from the Pastoral Council but is now in his 20th year on the Finance Council. “I think having members of the parish on the Finance Council helps keep the church community engaged”, Michael said. “It gives parishioners someone else to speak to about parish issues outside of the pastor. It also takes some of the burden off of Father Gregory and serves as a sounding board for him to solicit ideas and get advice.”
Thank you Michael for a lifetime of donating your time and talents to our parish