Volunteer of the Week March 28, 2021

Volunteers of the Week
Trudy Higgins
When Trudy and Gary Higgins moved to Prospect 24 years ago they joined the St. Anthony Parish and Trudy immediately joined the Ladies Guild.
“I didn’t know anyone in town,” she explained “so I joined the Ladies Guild” and she has been a member ever since, most recently serving as President for three years. “I love the connection I make with other women of faith. We come together to learn, to share our personal faith experiences and to contribute to our parish”
Indeed, the Ladies Guild has been a major contributor to our parish family in time, talent and fundraising. Each year they run a Christmas Bazaar, making Christmas baskets for auction. When the pandemic broke out the members sewed hundreds of masks for our church mask campaign. This year they are joining with the Knights of Columbus to host a Lenten Fish Fry. Later In May they will participate in the Town Wide Tag Sale. And these are just a few of the projects they have been involved in.
If it seems that this would be enough to keep Trudy busy, you would be mistaken. Trudy serves on the parish Hope Ministry, is a catechist for the 4 th and 5 th grade, volunteers at the St. Vincent DePaul Kitchen each week, and used to volunteer in the Pumpkin Patch.
Before she retired Trudy was a mental health counselor with a Master’s degree. In her retirement she has transferred that work to the Pro Life Ministry of which she is the Leader. She now volunteers with Caroline’s Place to work with unwed mothers considering abortion. “I love my involvement with the Caroline’s Place Ultrasound Van where I get to counsel young mothers and hopefully persuade them to avoid abortion. It is my calling.”
We thank you Trudy for everything you do for our parish and our Church.