Volunteer of the Week March 21, 2021

Volunteers of the Week
Tara and Fred Smith
If you attend the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturdays on a regular basis, then you are in the capable hands of Tara and Fred Smith. Tara is the Sacristan and Fred is the
Usher for that Mass every week. Together they make sure that the church and sanctuary are ready for Mass and assist the Celebrant with any special
requirements he might have.
In addition to her time as Sacristan, Tara is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. She also organizes the Giving Trees to help families in need and she is the Catechist for our Confirmation students each year.
In addition to his Usher duties on Saturday, Fred is the Leader for the Usher Ministry, coordinating schedules and special assignments.
Both Tara and Fred help to decorate the church for Christmas and Easter and they
both volunteer together at the St. Vincent DePaul shelter and kitchen.
Tara grew up in Prospect and she and Fred were married at St. Anthony’s in 1991.
Since that time they have worked together in several ministries here at the parish.
“Helping out is a wonderful opportunity to serve Christ and our parish”, Tara said
“We have always attended the 4:30 Mass and serving at that Mass and at the
Shelter brings us closer together as a couple”
Thank you Tara and Fred for the time and talents you give to our Church and