Volunteer of the Week April 18, 2021

Volunteer of the Week
Barbara Duigan
Barbara Duigan moved to Prospect when she married her husband Francis, fifty-five years ago. She soon became involved with the Ladies Guild and the Altar Server Ministry with her sons.
After Francis died in 2005, Barbara expanded her ministries here at St. Anthony. She currently donates her time and talents as a Collection Counter, the Helping Hands Ministry, as a Greeter and a Stephen Minister. Barbara took over as Ministry Leader for Light Church Housekeeping when Rose Geary retired.
“I joined the ministry because I always want St. Anthony’s to be a clean, comfortable and welcoming place” Barbara commented. “One area I focus on is our beautiful glass doors. It’s important to me that they are clean of dirt and finger prints” she went on to say, “after all it is the first thing people see when they enter the church”.
Thank you Barbara for all the time you give to our church!