Volunteer of the Week 2-7-21

Volunteer of the Week

George Hughes
Reader, EMHC, Altar Server, Catechist Ministries

George Hughes and his wife Lorraine moved to Prospect in 1981 and within a few years George started teaching what was known as Catechism in those days at St. Anthony. He has continued to teach Faith Formation for 35 years.
Many of his early students have now had children attend his classes.
In 2004 Father Joe DeCarolis asked George to be the altar server for funerals when younger servers were no longer allowed. He has served almost every funeral in our parish since.
In addition to all the time he contributes to those two ministries, George is also a Reader at Mass, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and a member of the Knights of Columbus.
When thanked for all the work he does on behalf of the parish, George simply answered “To me, it’s fun”.