Church of St. Anthony Welcomes New Altar Servers

For the first time in several years, the Parish family at the Church of St. Anthony welcomes a new group of Altar Servers. These servers have completed their training and have already started to serve at Mass here at the church.

The new Altar Servers are: Owen Ciarleglio, Leila Sheetz, Timothy Goletz, Maggie Goletz, Micah Minicucci, Eliza Neal, Ethan Neal, Joaquin Monette (not pictured), and Colin Avery (not pictured).

While we are happy to welcome our new servers we are also sad to say good-bye to our graduating seniors. Many of the Altar Servers at St. Anthony continue to serve Mass here until they graduate high school. This year we wish our graduating Senior Servers well as they go on to college. These servers spent nine years in the Altar Server Ministry: Nicholas Mirabilio-Mulhall, Amber Rosato and Ally Lisowski.