Christmas Bazaar - thank you from Trudy Higgins

See a letter from Trudy Higgins, president of the Ladies Guild, below!

Despite the inclement weather on December 3, we had a wonderful turnout for our annual Christmas Bazaar held on December 2 and 3. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who helped to make our Bazaar so successful. Once again, the members of the Ladies Guild did an outstanding job with the preparation for the Bazaar and with all the work entailed in running this event for two days. They donated and assembled all the items for the themed raffle baskets and made arrangements for all the vendors who sell such unique and beautiful crafts each year. Guild members worked tirelessly for three days setting up and decorating the Church Hall, as well as purchasing, cooking and serving all the food which include our homemade soups, chili and baked goods. In addition, much time is devoted to sorting, displaying and selling all of the Granny’s Attic items that are donated by parishioners and residents of Prospect. Our members also devote their time selling raffle tickets and baked goods for the duration of the Bazaar. The Christmas Bazaar requires the help of so many members who graciously give their time and who work so diligently to ensure the success of our yearly fundraiser. They are to be commended for their dedication and faithfulness to our Guild!

I would like to recognize Carol Muzzey for all the incredible work she does each year arranging for the vendors. Carol begins in the summer identifying potential vendors and contacting them in writing and by e-mail in order to fill all the spaces we have available. She then confirms their attendance at the Bazaar and collects all fees. Next comes the floor plan that she designs, ensuring that each vendor has the appropriate amount of space. And finally, she sets up all of the vendor tables on the day when we decorate and set everything up for the Bazaar. Making arrangements for vendors is quite a monumental task!  We are so very fortunate that Carol has assumed this responsibility year after year.  Thank you so very much, Carol, for your dedication to the Guild !! 

Special thanks to the Faith Formation classes who once again decorated table top trees to be included in our raffle. The trees were just adorable and added such a special touch to the basket display! Thank you, Andrea, for such a wonderful way to get our youngsters involved in our Bazaar.

And heartfelt appreciation to the Confirmation students who were present for two days to assist our vendors by carrying their items up and down the stairs. They also transported all of the remaining Granny’s Attic items up to the parking lot so that they could be donated to Goodwill. That was an incredible amount of work! In addition, the students provided crafts for young children on Saturday. Their presence lent a special spark and enthusiasm to our Bazaar and we are so very grateful for their assistance.

Santa was with us once again on Saturday and we sincerely appreciate the time that he gives us that makes our Bazaar truly festive! The children love taking pictures with him and his presence brings such joy to them and to their families. And thank you, Stella, for capturing our memories with your terrific photos!

It takes tremendous teamwork to organize a fundraiser of this magnitude and I am always in awe of the spirit of cooperation and camaraderie demonstrated by our Guild members. It is very evident to me that the light of Jesus shines through each and every member. I am humbled and have been so very fortunate to be part of such an extraordinary group of women.

Christmas blessings to all!!

Trudy Higgins


Click here to view photos from the 2022 Annual Christmas Bazaar!