Bingo Volunteers Needed!!

Our bingo nights are growing! Likely due to the fact that not only do we offer an awesome night of food and fun, but also that Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Waterbury no longer offers bingo.

That being said, we could use more volunteers.  The teams rotate every 4 weeks, so you do not need to volunteer every Monday night and you do not work alone but as a team. 

  • Calling the game: acting as emcee, drawing and calling numbers.  Additional people would really be appreciated in this capacity.
  • Office: setting up game sheets, managing inventory, paying out cash game prizes.
  • Floor: collecting money, distributing game sheets.
  • Sealed Ticket Sales: managing inventory, selling tickets and managing cash, prepare weekly report.
  • Kitchen: purchasing supplies, prepare items for sale, cooking on-site or remotely, set-up and clean-up. This is an area where we have the same people almost every week and more volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

**Training will be provided in all positions**

Please call the office at 203 758 4056 if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.