2022 HOPES Collection

The HOPES (Help Our Parish Elementary Schools) Collection is an annual fundraiser which provides vital support to the Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford. This year's collection will take place the weekend of September 24th and 25th. Thanks to your generosity, our elementary schools receive individual HOPES grants which are used to purchase or upgrade important educational tools and resources; particularly in the area of science and technology, provide enhanced safety and security measures, and assist schools with their marketing efforts to reach out to and engage prospective families and so much more. 

Beyond that, this past year underscored how great a role our schools play in ensuring a child’s wellbeing. All Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic schools remained open for safe, in-person learning throughout the entire 2020-2021 academic school year. While the pandemic brought on unprecedented challenges, the Archdiocese of Hartford’s commitment to educating the WHOLE child: mind, body and spirit never wavered. Students were able to see their teachers and classmates and retain a sense of normalcy during a very challenging time, with minimal interruption in their education. 

Our schools must remain a beacon of HOPE in our communities. Now, perhaps more than ever, children need our support as we continue to navigate through uncertain times.


Please watch this video from Archbishop Blair

Statements in support of Catholic Schools