Staff Member: Amanda Bertrand

Amanda Bertrand

Communications Coordinator
Email: Click Here to Email

Amanda Bertrand is the Communications Coordinator, where she acts as the messenger to the Parish community to engage them and provide Parish announcements. She maintains the Parish website and social media pages, creates the weekly Parish E-newsletter, and writes press releases that are publicized in local newspapers.

Amanda has been a part of the St. Anthony community for many years prior to becoming a member of the Parish Center staff. “I grew up as a member of the St. Anthony Church community. I attended the Faith Formation classes, where I received the sacraments of Communion and Confirmation. Throughout my time in the Parish, I was an Altar Aerver, volunteered for many service projects, and partook in the Pageant and Living Stations of the Cross plays. I am glad to continue to grow my role in the Church community through the Communications Coordinator Position!" Amanda also shares that her favorite parish memory is volunteering at the pumpkin patch fundraiser with other parishioners while she was in middle and high school!

Amanda graduated from Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education in May 2022, and her Master's Degree in Social and Emotional Learning in May 2023. She now works as an elementary teacher in the Waterbury Public Schools District! She has a passion for working with children, and has looked forward to becoming an elementary school teacher ever since she was in 2nd grade!

Some other things that Amanda enjoys include cooking, crafting, being in nature, and spending time with family and friends!

Photo of Amanda Bertrand